Wednesday, May 20th Grief Counseling Session

Wednesday, May 20th Grief Counseling Session

Over the past week and a half I’ve gotten a pretty good idea of what life is life for the neighbors at the Kimara office. This morning again when we arrive there are two small boys wondering at the mzungu (white people) in the bus. They may be school age (I believe they are) but they are not in school. Two women (their mothers?) build a cooking fire each day and cook rice. Today a water truck arrived and they filled several yellow containers with water.
Ed and Mr. Manyama co-facilitated a session on grief counseling. Ed explained his activities as a crisis intervention councilor in Nova Scotia. It sounds as if funerals are not so different in Tanzania as they are in Canada. Extended families gather and support each other.
The session lasted into the afternoon and we shared our final lunch with our Kimara friends. It was difficult to say good bye to them knowing that many of us we would never see them again

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